. As an anti-addiction activist I must admit I'm a little perplexed standing on this side of the fence on this topic, but seeing Charlottes story is all that it took and I am a convert. What we must understand is and if you watched the video you  heard marijuana is of two main ingredients. THC which is the Psychoactive part that will cause relaxation and relieve anxiety and is what is commonly known as being high or stoned which in all honesty doesn't get you high as a Valium. The other chemical is called CBD, cannabinoids,which is a great anticonvulsant and pain reliever. I'm not debating the recreational use of Marijuana, but it is obvious our government has lied to us when scheduling marijuana a one because a schedule one drug is the worst of the worst and schedule one is reserved for drugs with no possible medical use.The Government has known marijuana has many medical uses because the federal government has actually had patents on marijuana for certain medical purposes for a long time.On top of that recent research studies show marijuana slows the progression of Alzheimer's. I am against addiction and if someone can control there chronic pain with marijuana rather than highly addictive opiates then I'm all for it. Remember marijuana like this is very low in THC and high in CBD which means the patient is not getting high.


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