
Showing posts from April, 2016


Fundraiser for top Republicans arrested in drug bust Posted: Apr 27, 2016 1:40 AM EDT &amp;<span tabindex="-1" class="goog-spellcheck-word" id=":12.1" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" style="background: yellow;">lt</span>;em class="<span tabindex="-1" class="goog-spellcheck-word" id=":12.2" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" style="background: yellow;">wnDate</span>"&amp;gt;Wednesday, April 27, 2016 1:40 AM EDT&amp;<span tabindex="-1" class="goog-spellcheck-word" id=":12.3" role="menuitem" aria-haspopup="true" style="background: yellow;">lt</span>;/em&amp;gt; Updated: Apr 27, 2016 12:08 PM EDT &amp;<span tabindex="-1" class="goog-spellcheck-word" id=":12.4" role="menuitem" ar...

Drug Addicted Children Documentary 2015 HD


Some "Sobering" Stats

                                                           Opioid Addiction Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illicit drug heroin as well as the licit prescription pain relievers oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, fentanyl and others. Opioids are chemically related and interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the brain and nervous system to produce pleasurable effects and relieve pain. Addiction is a primary, chronic and relapsing brain disease characterized by an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors. Of the 21.5 million Americans 12 or older that had a substance use disorder in 2014, 1.9 million had a substance use di...

Drug dealers using Instagram and Tinder to find young customers

Drug dealers using Instagram and Tinder to find young customers Now you can swipe right for #mephedrone as dealers branch out to social media sites popular with young people Drug dealers are branching out to platforms and apps, popular with young people, such as Instagram, Tinder, Kik and shopping app Depop to sell their wares. These can be anything from prescription medication and research chemicals to recreational drugs. The process is simple. On Instagram, using the social platform convention of hashtagging, a potential customer trawls through the app looking for phrases like #weed4sale or the names of the drugs themselves (#mdma, #mephedrone etc). The customer then contacts the owner of the account and the deal moves along through direct messages. In the case of Tinder, potential customers can swipe through profiles until they find a dealer and match with them. Buyers can either meet face-to-face or pay online and have their purchases posted ...

DEA Prevents Nursing Home Patients From Getting Pain Medication, Survey ...

Chronic pain syndrome is a life altering disease that often destroy families. The DEA says they do nothing to interfere with pain patients getting medication desperately needed, but the facts tell a different story. The DEA has shut down the biggest Walgreens distribution center in Florida. They constantly bully doctors and tell pharmacies they can only have so much pain medication in stock. Yes, there is and has been a huge problem with pain medication being sold and used illegally, but that does not change the fact millions of Americans suffer everyday because of the Federal government overreaching. We must understand there is a big difference in chemical dependence and addiction. Chemical dependence will cause withdrawal symptoms and that does not make one an addict. Addiction is a psychological illness of the brain that is usually apparent when an individuals life becomes chronically disrupted because of the drugs. Dependence is a normal physiological response to taking the...

Teen heroin addicts: How they got hooked


The Addiction of Love

You know an addict constantly struggles with their brain. You can absolutely overcome your primary addiction like I have. You know there is not a chance in hell of going back, but as you puff your chest out feeling so proud your brain is constantly trying to feel that void where the lack of dopamine is really messing you up inside. For me it's love. That's the dragon I chase now and it's got it's own kind of withdrawal. Instead of running to the bathroom every five minutes, cold sweats, terrible body pain, a host of others this withdrawal is just a crushing emptiness where the tears won't stop flowing and the grand canyon in your chest is washed away with just one hint of love, She comes into your life it seems out of nowhere and your dysfunctional brain  is telling you YES this is the one. It's got to be your turn. Maybe yours is food or maybe even food, but even though we definitely have some due recognition these replacement addictions can be just as destru...

True Innocence

Check out "Children of Addicts Mentoring Program" on Indiegogo Most people seem to look at addicts like lepers. The kind of social stigma that Christ searched for to help. You may feel that way but the children of addicts are completely innocent. Please help me with program I'm starting. I'm looking for partners and donations. If you want to get involved message me and if you can just help a little click the link

Heroin Epidemic

This is the epidemic I have been screaming at the top of my lungs is here. I saw it first hand many times. Experimenting with painkillers doesn't take long to develop a dependence and once you're there you can't function without the opiates because of the terrible withdrawals. Let me tell you opiate withdrawal will make someone that has never even thought of suicide feel as though they would rather be dead. It is torture.  The feds cracked down hard on doctors, pharmacies, and especially pain clinics commonly known as pill mills. The crackdown made the pain pills harder to find which led to dealers raising the prices of the pills. The obvious and natural progression was heroin. It's an opiate just like the pills therefore it takes away the withdrawals. This is an opiate addicts main purpose for using. To stop the withdrawal. At first it's all fun and games and getting high. That does not last long. It becomes a daily battle to just not be dope sick.    When 20-y...

Bad News

Austin "Chumlee" Russell of Pawn Stars fame was arrested in early 2016 on some serious charges. Here's what we know about the case, and everything we know about the guy we thought was a lovable goofball until he got busted for creepy charges. Including: Sexual assault charges |  0:14 Contraband |  0:36 The Pawn Stars are sticking by him |  1:08 His accuser worked at the shop |  1:23 He's nicknamed after a cartoon |  1:40 He's a DJ on the side |  1:53 Shrewd businessman |  2:16 He and the Harrisons go back |  2:33 He's dealt with tragedy |  2:48 He's lost a lot of weight |  3:12 Ace of bass |  3:35 Sneakerhead |  4:03 Uncomfortable with fame |  4:20 Bon Jovi is a fan |  4:40 Website →
BEFORE CANNABIS AFTER CANNABIS . As an anti-addiction activist I must admit I'm a little perplexed standing on this side of the fence on this topic, but seeing Charlottes story is all that it took and I am a convert. What we must understand is and if you watched the video you  heard marijuana is of two main ingredients. THC which is the Psychoactive part that will cause relaxation and relieve anxiety and is what is commonly known as being high or stoned which in all honesty doesn't get you high as a  Valium . The other chemical is called CBD,  cannabinoids,which is a great anticonvulsant and pain reliever. I'm not debating the recreational use of Marijuana, but it is obvious our government has lied to us when scheduling marijuana a one  because a schedule one drug is the worst of the worst and schedule one is reserved for drugs with no possible medical use.The Government has known marijuana has many medical uses because the federal governme...

Addiction and Brain Chemistry

I named this blog the struggles and triumphs of an addict because an  addict in recovery wakes up each day not knowing which one the day will bring or if the day will bring both. Sometimes your greatest struggles are really triumphs in disguise. A situation that may seem a terrible struggle could be something that is a part of recovery and you just can't see is a triumph at the time. As a recovering addict one of the greatest struggles is psychological. When you spend years flooding your brain with chemicals that constantly release the body's natural feel good chemical Dopamine your brain, as a defensive mechanism, begins to shut the dopamine receptors down in a way. You also deplete the dopamine in your system. So, when you stop introducing the unnatural chemicals to the brain the dopamine seems used up. The point is with the depletion of dopamine the normal things that make life pleasurable like eating food you enjoy and sex, there is no pleasur...


Obama gives second chance to 61 convicted drug offenders Yahoo News - 3 days ago Drug shortages prompt question: are some medicines too cheap?                                                  Yahoo News ‎ - 1 day ago   British Female Drugs Mules Dubbed 'Peru Two' Released From  Jail Early    Yahoo News ‎ - 19 hours ago Click here for original story                                                              ...



Life Lessons from Episode 4

There were two choices I made during this part of my life that were the major catalysts that led to every other bad choice. 1) The Methadone clinic I could go on and on about the negatives of methadone clinics, but I'm just going to focus on what's the most important. If you or someone you know develops a chemical dependency to opiates DO NOT GO TO A METHADONE CLINIC. Methadone clinics take people in every single day that are addicted to much weaker opiates like Hydrocodone (Lorcet, Lortab), Oxycodone, Morphine and most other painkillers that can be overcome (physical withdrawal) in 2-4 weeks and put them on a medication that they will probably on for the rest of their lives. The  Methadone clinics that are privately owned make millions of dollars a year. The clinics here charge about $16 a day to dose someone. When I was buying methadone from Walgreens without insurance it cost me around $35 for an entire months supply. That was 360 tablets. That is dirt cheap for a na...