keeping Your Addiction in Remission: Step One

The absolute most important step in recovery is changing your surroundings and associations. Notice I didn't say friends. When you're in the midst of your addiction the people that you usually surround yourself with are not friends. If you've already started down the road to recovery you're beginning to see your so called friends are nowhere to be found. I came to realize I had not one true friend because l had pushed them all away. We always damage the relationships we have with the ones that truly care about us when we are using drugs. We push them away out of shame and because they are constantly nagging us about our drug use. We use them and lie to them because we are manipulators. We MUST completely change our surroundings. It's why rehab facilities recommend a sober living house when leaving. I honestly don't know if putting a bunch of freshly clean addicts in one house is a good idea or not. The concept seems good because of the rules and structure but I would recommend staying with a friend or especially a family member that does not use any type of drug. You'll usually find those friends and family members that you pushed away, lied to, and maybe even stole from will be waiting with arms wide open because they love you and because they love you they have the capacity to forgive. Unfortunately not everyone is going to forgive quickly. You just have to give those people time and prove yourself. And, there will be people that you love that have been so hurt by you that they have completely washed their hands of you  and will never come around. That's going to happen because there are consequences to our actions and if  you don't completely remove yourself from the negative environment there will just be more consequences.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 says abstain from even the appearance of evil. Not just stay away from evil but even the appearance of it. If you live by that one verse during your recovery and while your addiction is in remission you'll stand a much better chance of being successful


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