A fatal flaw in medicine today

Every day in America numbers of people are prescribed for the first time opioid pain medications. Some for the short term and others with chronic pain for the long-term. The common practice is for the medication to be prescribed so many times daily, usually, according to the medications Half-Life. Taking any opioid multiple times daily will lead to chemical dependency. This physical dependence is the reason why so many opioid addicts can't stop. The medical community uses the term "flu-like symptoms" for opioid withdrawal. The term that comes to mind for me is "torture" because when after 10, 20, 30 days you'd rather it just kill you you're experiencing torture. Of course it depends on the medication, the amount usually taken, and the length of time.
So, when you injure yourself don't be in agony but only take an opioid when you just can't take the pain. If you can go any days between without taking them you're in a much safer area. Most important if it's a short term injury when your Dr says stop because you've gotten to the point where the pain in gone or minimal you must stop. No matter how much they help with taking care of the kids or they make work much more tolerable. These feelings happen because of natural brain chemistry. Opioids cause euphoria. So it would be abnormal to feel this euphoria and Dislike it. This is how addiction can begin to take root.

If anyone just needs someone to talk to that has been there and knows what it's like please reach out. It's all in confidence. I just want to listen or answer any questions. To parents thinking something isn't right go with your gut. Too many parents think never their kid. 2/5 babies in one city are born addicted to opioids. This is huge and to all the people hidden away in your gated communities. It's already inside the gate. The first stages of addiction can be hidden for long enough it's too late.

I'm here 24/7


                           BY REV JE ALLEN


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