Keeping the Faith

I wrote this when I began down this road.
"First, I thank you for taking the time to look at my page. Thank you very much for your recent like or share of Prodigal Sons free teen Counsel. This is the beginning of this adventure that God has called upon me. I have an inspiring and powerful testimony that can be a warning to our children about the real cost of drug and alcohol use and how easily and quickly it can have you in it's grip. I can be of much assistance to those of our youth that are already experimenting or addicted. I've come to learn they are more willing to open up to someone that has been there and really gets it. It can also be a warning to Christians about going against the plan God has for us. Right now, as a start-up, I'm trying to find places like churches or schools where I can share my life story and possibly save some lives. Again, I thank you for the like or share and would just like to let you know where assistance is needed. One is places where I can share my testimony like a church or school. Second is the word spread about the ministry. I have a website that can be shared. Lastly of course is financial help and trust me even $5 would be a big help. Not much is needed right now. Just funds for bus fare for ministry uses and painting of materials mainly. You might not be able to see it from where you'r!e standing but for those of us standing in the eye the water is waist deep and rising..Please don't ever think you are too high up for the water to reach your family. It's raining harder in the suburbs now. The water is knee deep and the hepatitis infected syringes flow right on by. This opiate epidemic is a plague on our nation. The danger is it only takes a few weeks to become chemically dependant and for many people like myself, that put too much trust in their doctors, have gone through decades of misery. Thank you very much for your support, prayers, and financial support to make this possible. Much help is needed. please visit:"

It's two years later and in those 2 years "Teen addiction prevention and counsel" received a total of $75. My flesh urges me to quit trying everyday, but God has called upon me to use my misfortune and mistakes to help others. So, I go on, faith admittedly shaken, but I go on. If you are willing to help just visit the YouCaring link above. Thank you and God bless you all.


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