I pedicted this ten years ago
I'm going to speak from the heart and it may sound harsh or rude. I don't know exactly what I'm going to say. I've noticed not too many people are comfortable with even "liking" a post about addiction which I could care less about the "likes". That's not what it's about. It's about the fact we have an absolute epidemic on our hands and most are oblivious until they are forced to deal with the issue when they realize their teenager is hooked on heroin. You upper middle class in the suburbs and you parents in your nice gated communities this is for you because this is where the epidemic is. You think no way not my child. Well, let me tell you it's going on right under your noses. It started with pain pills recreationally, but it doesn't take long (less than 1-2 months) to become chemically dependent and then the sickness begins and it is absolute torture. So, the government cracks down on doctors and pharmacies and now the pills are harder to find which makes them much more expensive on the street. Because heroin is an opiate it will stop the horrible withdrawal symptoms and is much cheaper than the pills. NEVER think it can't happen to your teen no matter how well you raised them, where you live, or how much money you have. As a matter of fact statistics show this epidemic is getting worse the more money you have. Just watch this short video. I'm working to stop this epidemic. I have led teens right into rehab when they would not listen to anyone else because I know exactly what they are going thru therefore I can truly empathize and this makes them open up. Please watch this short video and visit
You have no idea How much help just $10-$20 can be and the lives it can change
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