
Showing posts from May, 2016

Fetus found in Texas womans purse after drug arrest

A fetus was discovered inside a San Antonio woman's purse while she was being arrested for drugs in a park Thursday night. Bernadette Rivera, 32, had several felonies worth of narcotics, including heroin and methamphetamine, on her — reportedly near her private area, sources told KENS-TV. During the search, Rivera openly told officers of the fetus in her purse and explained that she recently had a miscarriage. "Rivera left the hospital with the remains deciding that she would determine” the disposal of them, said San Antonio Police Department Public Information Officer Romana Lopez. Officers discovered decomposing tissue about two inches long inside a small plastic Q-Tip box covered by napkins inside Rivera's purse, San Antonio police reported. The fetus was estimated to be about 8 weeks old. Detectives determined that Rivera's possession of the fetus was not a criminal case and she is only being charged with possession of narcotics. The Medical Examiner's...

California puppy tests positive for Heroin, Meth, and Nicotine after drug arrest

A poor pup in California was found under the influence of drugs during a recent bust. The dog named Bubba tested positive to having heroin, methamphetamine and nicotine in his system following the incident in March. Bubba was treated for drug addiction and is now doing “excellent,” according to the Tustin Police Department. The dog’s owners were arrested for possession of a large quantity of illegal drugs and paraphernalia and will now add charges of animal cruelty to their rap sheet. Original story at:

Really Really Bad News!!!!!

Texas dad accused of killing stepson, 3, who wouldn't stop jumping on bed A North Texas man shot and killed his 3-year-old stepson because he was upset the boy was jumping on the bed, authorities said. George Coty Wayman, 18, was arrested on capital murder and criminal trespass charges in the death of the toddler, Dominic Tra’Juan Castro, the   Wichita Falls Times Record News   reported Thursday. He was being held on bail of more than $500,000 . Wayman had scolded the boy for jumping on the bed in a trailer home in Bellevue, a small town near the Oklahoma border, Tuesday afternoon, the paper reported, citing an arrest affidavit . The boy’s mother and other adults were in the trailer at the time, the paper reported. When authorities arrived they were initially told that Dominic was jumping on the bed and that his actions accidentally caused the gun to discharge,   KFDX-TV reported. The authorities said they were eventually told that Wayman pointed the gun at t...

El Chapo extradited to US


Most Gruesome Terrorist Group In The World? *Gunmen from Islamist group Boko Haram shot or burned to death 59 pupils in a boarding school in northeast Nigeria overnight, a hospital official and security forces said on Tuesday. "Some of the students' bodies were burned to ashes," Police Commissioner Sanusi Rufai said of the attack on the Federal Government college of Buni Yadi, a secondary school in Yobe state, near the state's capital city of Damaturu. Bala Ajiya, an official at the Specialist Hospital Damaturu, told Reuters by phone the death toll had risen to 59...* What else do we know about Boko Haram? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur makes the case that this is the worst terrorist group. This is off topic from usual posts, but I just wanted to share. As a matter a fact I will be broadening the subjects in my blog from now on. Addiction and drug news will remain the key focus because that is what I am passionate about, but If I'm getting tired of writin...

LSD-like drugs are out of the haze and back in the labs

At respected research centers in the United States and other countries, scientists have spent much of their professional lives in drug rehabilitation. It is not because they themselves struggle with addiction. What they are trying to rehabilitate are the drugs. Their focus is on mind-altering compounds that fell far from grace nearly half a century ago, LSD prominent among them. Along with other psychedelics, it was outlawed by the federal government, damned as bearing a high potential for abuse and offering no accepted medical benefit. But in recent years, researchers have sought to rescue hallucinogens from exile by examining their efficacy in treating certain disorders of the mind, and perhaps even in understanding the nature of consciousness and spirituality. The work of these scientists now draws the attention of Retro Report , a series of video documentaries that examine major news stories of the past and their enduring significance. Psychoactive substances, often derive...


Pfizer Blocks the Use of Its Drugs in Executions The pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced on Friday that it had imposed sweeping controls on the distribution of its products to ensure that none are used in lethal injections, a step that closes off the last remaining open-market source of drugs used in executions. More than 20 American and European drug companies have already adopted such restrictions, citing either moral or business reasons. Nonetheless, the decision from one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical manufacturers is seen as a milestone. “With Pfizer’s announcement, all F.D.A. -approved manufacturers of any potential execution drug have now blocked their sale for this purpose,” said Maya Foa, who tracks drug companies for Reprieve, a London-based human rights advocacy group. “Executing states must now go underground if they want to get hold of medicines for use in lethal injection.” The obstacles to lethal injection have grown in the last five years as m...

I pedicted this ten years ago

I'm going to speak from the heart and it may sound harsh or rude. I don't know exactly what I'm going to say. I've noticed not too many people are comfortable with even "liking" a post about addiction which I could care less about the "likes".  That's not what it's about. It's about the fact we have an absolute epidemic on our hands and most are oblivious until they are forced to deal with the issue when they realize their teenager is hooked on heroin. You upper middle class in the suburbs and you parents in your nice gated communities this is for you because this is where the epidemic is. You think no way not my child. Well, let me tell you it's going on right under your noses. It started with pain pills recreationally, but it doesn't take long (less than 1-2 months) to become chemically dependent and then the sickness begins and it is absolute torture. So, the government cracks down on doctors and pharmacies and now the pill...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says America is in the middle of an opioid addiction and Alabama is no exception. Experts say overdoses are spiking in part because dealers are cutting or mixing heroin with Fentanyl, a drug that's about 100 times stronger than heroin. Now while that's bad a new drug called W-18 is also being used to cut heroin and many say it's an instant death sentence "We're hearing that the heroin and Fentanyl overdoses are 200 times as much this year already," George King said. He is the director of Royal Pines, a men's rehabilitation center in Alabama. King says a lot of the guys who come through the center are getting a second chance. But with the news of a deadly new drug out there being used to cut Heroin. King says there won't be any second chances to give if you put it in your veins. "To the common man that does simple math, that's almost certain death," King said. The drug is called W-18...

Murder or no?

Her fiancĂ© gave her heroin. She overdosed. Does that make him a murderer? When Jarret McCasland and his fiancee decided to celebrate her 19th birthday with heroin, it meant the end of her life and the end of his freedom. Flavia Cardenas, who worked in a nightclub, died of an overdose the next morning in Baton Rouge. After a prosecutor convinced a jury that McCasland administered the fatal dose, the 27-year-old pipe fabrication shop worker was found guilty of second-degree murder. He was sentenced to life in prison in February with no chance for parole. With deaths from heroin and opioids at their highest level in U.S. history, prosecutors have begun charging those who supplied the final dose with murder, even when that person is the deceased’s friend, lover, sibling or spouse. The new initiative is sometimes in direct conflict with good Samaritan laws, which protect addicts from being charged if they call 911 when a fellow user is overdosing. The tougher approach also is in m...